If you own or run a local business and are looking to attract more clients in these challenging times, then this is for you. You’ll learn four ways in which you can leverage video marketing for your business yourself to help raise awareness of what you do and ultimately get more customers through your door.
There is simply no way around it, video is definitely the content of the future. The sooner you get started on forming a video content strategy and creating targeted and valuable video for your audience, the better off you’ll be in the long run. Video drives 157% increase in organic search engine results when embedded in your website. And 64% of consumers have said that video directly influenced their decision to purchase a product or service.
With video, you can raise awareness about your product or service. You can teach your audience about how to use your product and how your products or services can help them solve the issues that have brought them to search for your product or service in the first place. You could also use videos for testimonials to give your prospective customers a really valuable real life and honest look at how clients have found using your products or services.
Why is video so important for local marketing?
Video is especially helpful for local marketing efforts because you can communicate an awful lot in a very short space of time. And nowadays we have got goldfish attention spans. You’ve got nine seconds in fact to engage someone on socials these days. So video is a really fantastic way of starting to quickly build rapport and spark curiosity in your offer.
Using video can really effectively communicate the feel of what you’re about. Give your business a face so that potential clients feel like they know you before they’ve even set foot inside your business. Video is an ideal medium to showcase your skills, your attention to detail, the passion that you’ve got for your products or service and your commitment to high quality friendly local service. Ultimately, these are the things that will mark you out as a place to come to purchase what you have to offer to your local clientele.
Why should local businesses use video?
When it comes to online marketing video is one of the best ways to connect with an audience. Why? According to Statista, 85% of all internet users watch video content online on a monthly basis. And according to Animoto research video is consumer’s favorite type of content to engage with from brands and businesses that they like. And if you’re not convinced by all that just try sharing a video on social media and see how much better it performs compared to your other copy based posts. I’m pretty sure the results will pleasantly surprise you.
Video that raises awareness
While video isn’t a silver bullet to all of your business problems, video definitely allows you to improve the visibility of your local business relatively quickly and easily if you produce considered and consistent content. Video can be used almost for any stage of the client journey. You could, for example start your video creation by presenting yourself on your website with a simple explainer video telling the world about what you do and how you do it. A well executed homepage video can increase your chances of appearing on the first page of a Google search by over 50 times.
- Educational videos are a great way of detailing how and why your product or service can be used to benefit your potential clients. “How Tos” and instructional videos are always very popular content on YouTube and social channels alike as they’re useful and genuinely help the audience.
- Product videos are a great way of highlighting features of your offering. If you sell physical products, I would probably look at doing an unboxing or product review video. These are hugely popular and typically draw, engaged audiences that are likely to be well into their pre-purchase “search” phase. And these guys are ideal to be getting yourself in front of right before a potential purchase decision is made.
- Testimonials also are extremely important to any business. People are so much more likely to trust the opinion of an objective outsider rather than the business owner themselves waxing lyrical about how great they are. These relatable stories from previous happy customers give a voice and a face to your businesses client success. They also engender empathy with potential customers identifying with your audiences ‘before state’, the place most of your potential clients find themselves in right now as they discover your business for the first time. And the very reason they’re searching for your products or services in the first place. They have got a need that they think may be met by what you have to offer. They just need convincing. And that’s why well constructed testimonial videos can be so powerful to usher these potential customers to get off the fence and buy from you.
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So here are four ways to use video marketing to help boost your local business.
1 – Integrate a video on your landing page or your website.
The great thing about video is that it’s a flexible tool to bolster your overall marketing strategy. It can be used as a standalone strategy for smaller businesses or as part of a more complex multi-pronged marketing approach within a larger business. Including a video in your landing page for instance helps keep visitors engaged for longer and can also lead to higher conversion rates. In fact, having a video on your landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%. So make sure to create videos that can work across any of your online pages.
2 – Show consumers how your product works.
Demo videos are one of the more popular forms of small business video marketing because they highlight how your product works instead of describing its functionality via text.
An Animoto study found that nearly 75% of consumers are more likely to buy a product if they’ve seen a video explaining it before they make a purchase. So take time to craft a video that tells a story and shows how your product works in an engaging manner and you’ll be rewarded with more views and better conversions.
3 – Post videos on social media to get more views and clicks.
No matter what other marketing channels you’re using social media is still likely to be one of the most important. When engaging in local video marketing platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will often very much be the first point of contact for consumers interacting with your business. And social media platforms are a really cost-effective marketing outreach tool. More importantly, adding video to your social media strategy pays off. 64% of consumers noted that Facebook has influenced a purchasing decision and videos net you a higher engagement rate than most other types of content.
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4 – Consistently create video content to own your local niche.
By creating consistent video content that genuinely serves your audience, that people find useful and engaging or entertaining your business will start to enjoy the associated benefits of a well optimized video campaign. Over time you’ll start to notice your Google ranking improving, you’ll start to reach more people on socials and build up an audience there too by using the same video content that you post on YouTube for example. If you’re consistent and targeted and establish and follow a well-thought-out video marketing plan you can even get your content onto the first page of Google which is a prize worth having for any local business.
Final thoughts
Now, I really hope you got value from this video. To dive into more detail about how to optimize your YouTube channel or how to create videos people are going to want to watch, check out the other videos on our YouTube channel.