Why is video marketing so effective? We uncover the benefits of video marketing. We dig into the video marketing stats underpinning the explosion in growth and its importance. Examining video marketing statistics allows us a fuller understanding of the medium and its enduring power.
Think of it this way: would you rather read an article about how to cook a steak or watch a video that shows you how, as the meat cooks and sizzles in front of your eyes? Thought so. Showing is so much more powerful than telling.
Did you know that according to Forrester Research a 60 second video is equivalent to about 1.8 million words? There’s no doubt that today’s consumers prefer audio visual content to textual content. That’s one reason why video traffic is predicted to make up 80% of all traffic online by the end of 2021.
Customers today want to see your products in action. Video marketing is effective as it is easy to consume, widely accessible, and can improve your SEO.
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Tell a story with video
Video marketing is powerful as it lets you tell your brand story, showcase your business, and build relationships with your customers. And that’s what it’s all about, awareness, getting your products and services out there, but also critically, it’s about fostering and growing genuine relationships with your audience. And that’s how you create a sustainable community of clients and customers surrounding your business that will come back to buy from you time and time again, because they know, like, and trust you, and that is so important, as at the end of the day, in business, people buy from people.
To understand the power of video you might want to consider the following video marketing statistics.
- 45% of people watch more than one hour of Facebook or YouTube videos per week.
- 25 to 34 year olds watch most videos online
- According to research by HubSpot 78% of people watch videos online every week whilst 55% of people do that daily.
These numbers serve to illustrate the growth of video and the importance of leveraging video marketing in your business strategy. Facebook has reported that videos hosted on its platform get an average of 8 billion views for a total of a hundred million hours every day.
As the statistics show, video and awareness now go hand in hand. What these numbers tell you is clear. You could offer the best products and the best services in the world, but if no one knows about you, you’re invisible compared to those of your competitors who are already utilising video marketing.
The explosion of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and others which highlight video content means that users are seeking accessible, more visually engaging content than ever before.
Most importantly, video is popular because it’s so effective. As search engines, social media, and even your own consumers come to prefer video over other content formats it becomes harder to ignore the direction of travel.
Create Video Content That Drives ROI For Your Business
Video is not a fad
That is clear from the stats. It’s also been underlined recently when Google announced that over the coming few years they will be increasing the prominence of videos within their search results. So, if your digital presence doesn’t include video content you are missing out on a huge opportunity to drive traffic, expand your brand, and grow your business.
Video is a powerful tool for business growth
And producing video for your business needn’t be like shooting a massive Hollywood movie. Sure, for some businesses high-end production is absolutely right, but for others it’s about telling stories and building genuine connections with their customer base, with fewer bells and whistles.
And for that, all you need is a passion for what you do, a dedication to making your customer’s lives better, and the smartphone in your pocket. It can all start there.
With over twenty years of professional video production experience in UK Broadcast TV, we can guide you through every step of your Video Marketing journey. Discover your first steps to video success by clicking here!